I Have Tourettes Kids Design 2
Price $6.49
Category: Tourettes Medical ID Cards Product: I Have Tourettes Kids Design 2 Helping Kids with Tourette’s Feel Strong with A Superhero Awareness CardTourette’s Syndrome is a neurological condition that causes sudden, repeated movements or sounds, known as tics. Kids with Tourette’s don’t have control over these tics, and they often change over time. Some tics are small, like blinking, while others are more noticeable, like making sounds or sudden movements. Living with Tourette’s can be frustrating, especially when other people don’t understand why tics happen. Kids may get questions from classmates, teachers, or even strangers. They may feel nervous about social situations or worry about how people will react. That’s why we created a superhero awareness card just for kids. Instead of feeling different, they can feel strong, confident, and proud of who they are. Why a Superhero Card Can Make a DifferenceKids love superheroes because they are powerful, unique, and full of courage. This awareness card takes that same idea and applies it to Tourette’s. Instead of focusing on what makes them stand out, kids can use this card to see themselves as strong and special. The bright, comic-book-style design grabs attention in a fun and positive way. It’s not just a card; it’s a reminder that having Tourette’s doesn’t mean something is wrong—it means they have something that makes them unique. This card isn’t a medical ID or a personalized card. It’s a simple way for kids to express who they are and help others understand their tics without having to explain every time. How This Card Can Help Kids with Tourette’sWhen kids with Tourette’s are in public places, school, or social situations, they might feel like they have to explain their condition over and over. That can be exhausting, especially when they just want to focus on having fun and being themselves. This superhero awareness card helps by:
Whether a child is in school, at the playground, in a store, or with family, this card can be a helpful tool. It gives kids a way to explain their tics quickly, without feeling embarrassed or frustrated. Instead of feeling like they need to apologize for their tics, they can show their superhero card with pride. This card is small enough to fit in a pocket or backpack, so kids can carry it with them wherever they go. It’s designed to make life just a little bit easier for kids with Tourette’s, helping them feel seen and supported in a world that may not always understand their condition. Give a Kid with Tourette’s a Superhero Boost and Order Them a Card from The Card Project USIf you know a child with Tourette’s, this superhero awareness card is a great way to help them feel empowered. It’s fun, colorful, and designed to encourage confidence in kids who just want to be themselves. Order one today and give a child with Tourette’s the strength to embrace their uniqueness.
SKU: ihavetouretteskids2
GTIN: 5061068158916
Version: 5421
© 2024 The Card Project US LLC
reg: 99-3537629