Lever ID Card Clip with Nylon Strap & Plastic Popper
Price  $1.99
Category: ID Card Clips and Loops
Product:  Lever ID Card Clip with Nylon Strap & Plastic Popper

Lever ID Card Clip with Nylon Strap: The Professional’s Choice

For those who want the best of both worlds, our Lever ID Card Clip with Nylon Strap & Plastic Popper provides comfort and a secure grip. The lever ensures your ID stays put, so you're not constantly adjusting or worrying about it.

This clip is a great fit for healthcare professionals, customer service reps, or anyone who needs to keep their ID visible and secure throughout a busy day. These Lever clips with metal popper straps have a 90mm long strap clip which literally just passes through the slots of your card holder and snaps shut. You can then attach the lever clip directly to your uniform or clothes without the need for a lanyard.

Looking for more? We offer cardholders and lanyards for other ID display solutions.

Make the smart choice and secure your ID today with our Lever ID Card Clip.

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Version: 4619
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