Dissociative Disorder Medical Card - (Double sided)
Price $10.99
Double sided? Yes Product: Dissociative Disorder Medical Card Dissociative Disorder and the Importance of Carrying a Medical ID CardDissociative Disorder is a mental health condition that affects many people in the US. It involves a disruption in how someone connects with their thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions, and identity. Individuals with this disorder may experience episodes where they feel detached from reality, or where their sense of self is altered. These episodes can be sudden, and those around them might not fully understand what's happening. A Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Card can be a simple yet effective tool to communicate vital information during these episodes. What Exactly is Dissociative Disorder?Dissociative Disorder isn't just one condition. It's a group of related disorders that includes Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously called Multiple Personality Disorder), Dissociative Amnesia, and Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder. Each type has its own symptoms, but all share the common feature of disconnection. Dissociative Identity Disorder involves the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states. A person might switch between these states without warning, leading to confusion for those around them. Dissociative Amnesia involves memory loss that goes beyond ordinary forgetfulness. This memory loss can be about specific events, personal information, or even a whole block of time. Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder makes a person feel detached from themselves or their surroundings, like they're watching life from outside their body. These feelings can last for moments or be persistent. In the US, about 2% of adults experience some form of Dissociative Disorder, though this number might be higher, as it's often underdiagnosed. Many people with Dissociative Disorders have experienced trauma, often in childhood. The disorder acts as a coping mechanism, separating themselves mentally from the trauma to manage overwhelming situations. Why Carry a Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Card?A Medical ID Card is an essential safety tool for individuals with Dissociative Disorder. It provides a clear, concise explanation of the condition, and gives essential contact information. Here's why it's so beneficial: 1. Immediate Understanding in EmergenciesDuring a dissociative episode, clear communication may be difficult or impossible. A Medical ID Card offers an easy way for others to understand what is happening and how to help. The brief description on the front of the card can make a huge difference to first responders, medical professionals, or even passers-by who want to assist. 2. Provides Key Contact InformationThe rear of the card lists two emergency contact names and numbers. This information can help ensure that family members, friends, or trusted individuals are contacted without delay. In a crisis, time matters. Having emergency contacts readily available speeds up the process and ensures the person receives the support they need. 3. Reduces Anxiety for the CardholderLiving with Dissociative Disorder can be challenging, but having a Medical ID Card can offer peace of mind. The cardholder knows that if they experience a dissociative episode in a public space, they won’t have to rely solely on their ability to communicate or explain their condition. The card does that for them. 4. Helps Bystanders React AppropriatelyPeople who witness a dissociative episode might not know how to respond, which can lead to unhelpful or even harmful actions. A Medical ID Card provides guidance, which can help bystanders remain calm and take steps that are actually beneficial to the individual. The Facts About Dissociative Disorder in the USUnderstanding some of the key details and statistics about Dissociative Disorder helps highlight why a Medical ID Card is a valuable tool:
Who Buy a Medical ID Card for Dissociative Disorder?A Medical ID Card is ideal for anyone diagnosed with Dissociative Disorder who might struggle with communication during an episode. It’s also helpful for individuals who want their emergency contacts to be easily accessible, ensuring they receive the proper care without unnecessary delays. The card is a valuable tool not just for severe cases but for anyone who may face situations where explaining their condition isn't possible. Our cards are designed to be informative yet concise:
Our Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Cards are practical and user-friendly. The double-sided layout ensures that key information is accessible at a glance. The card itself is made from biodegradable plastic, offering a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic cards. Sized like a standard credit card, it's easy to keep in a wallet, purse, or phone case, ensuring it's always on hand when needed. A Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Card isn't just a convenience—it's a way to feel safer and more understood. For those living with Dissociative Disorder, knowing that important information is ready to hand over can reduce stress, especially in public or unpredictable situations. The card acts as a quiet, constant support system that the cardholder can count on when they need it most. Buy Your Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Card from us here at The Card Project USIf you or a loved one has Dissociative Disorder, consider the peace of mind that comes with carrying a Medical ID Card. It’s a straightforward way to ensure that vital information is available when it counts, giving both the cardholder and those around them the clarity needed during challenging moments. With the card, you’re not just prepared for the unexpected—you’re ready to handle it smoothly. By choosing a Dissociative Disorder Medical ID Card, you’re making a proactive decision to prioritise safety and understanding. Don’t wait until you need it—equip yourself with the support that’s always in your pocket.
SKU: dissociativedisorder
GTIN: 5061068151801
Version: 5016
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