I Have ARFID Design 5
Price $6.49
Category: ARFID Medical ID Cards Product: I Have ARFID Design 5 Why Some Kids Fear Food – Understanding ARFIDMost people assume that if a child refuses to eat something, they’re just being picky. But for children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), eating can feel like an overwhelming or even terrifying experience. It’s not about preferences or stubbornness—ARFID is a real eating disorder that makes certain foods feel impossible to swallow. Some kids with ARFID have extreme sensory sensitivities. The texture of a food may make them gag, the smell may feel unbearable, or they may be unable to handle a combination of foods on the same plate. Others have a deep fear of choking or vomiting, making them avoid foods they don’t feel 100% safe eating. The result? A child may end up eating only a handful of specific foods, refusing anything unfamiliar. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand ARFID. Teachers, family members, and restaurant staff may assume a child is just being difficult. This can lead to uncomfortable situations, pressure to eat, and even emotional distress. Our ARFID Awareness Card helps kids avoid these stressful conversations. Instead of explaining their eating difficulties over and over, they can show the card and let others know their struggles are real. What It Feels Like to Have ARFID as a ChildImagine being at a friend’s house for dinner. Everyone else is happily eating, but you feel panic rising because the food on your plate isn’t one of your safe foods. You know you can’t eat it, but you also know people are going to ask why. You brace yourself for the comments: “Just try it.” “You won’t know if you like it unless you taste it.” “One bite won’t hurt.” Now imagine this happening every time you eat outside of your home. At school. At restaurants. At family gatherings. You start dreading mealtimes because you know there will always be questions, pressure, and judgment. Eventually, you may even avoid situations where you have to eat in front of others. For children with ARFID, eating isn’t just a physical process—it’s an emotional challenge. Many kids want to be able to eat normally, but their body won’t let them. The fear, anxiety, and discomfort are real, and it’s exhausting to constantly explain why they can’t eat certain foods. How an ARFID Awareness Card Can HelpOur ARFID Awareness Card is designed to take some of the stress out of eating in social situations. Instead of answering endless questions about their eating habits, kids can use the card to explain their condition quickly and easily. This card helps:
Where the Card Can Make a Difference
Raising Awareness About ARFIDDespite being a medically recognized eating disorder, ARFID is still not widely understood. Too often, kids with ARFID are met with frustration, impatience, or disbelief. “They’ll eat when they’re hungry.” “They just need to try new foods.” “They’ll grow out of it.” These statements ignore the real struggles kids with ARFID face every day. Raising awareness is key to creating a more understanding and supportive environment for children with ARFID. Our ARFID Awareness Card is a small but important tool that helps children feel seen and validated while helping those around them better understand their condition. Order an ARFID Awareness Card Today from The Card Project USIf your child has ARFID, this card can make meals, school lunches, and social gatherings easier to navigate. It’s a simple but effective way to help them feel more comfortable in food-related situations. Order an ARFID Awareness Card today and give your child the confidence to face the world with less stress.
SKU: ihavearfid5
GTIN: 5061068158558
Version: 5385
© 2024 The Card Project US LLC
reg: 99-3537629