In An Emergency DNR Design 2
Price $6.49
Category: DNR Medical Cards Product: In An Emergency DNR Design 2 The Role of a DNR Awareness CardA Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order is a medical directive that tells healthcare providers not to attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a person’s heart stops or they stop breathing. This is a formal medical order that must be signed by a doctor and is usually kept in medical records or on official state-approved forms. It is often used by individuals with serious or terminal conditions who wish to avoid aggressive life-saving measures. Our DNR awareness card is not a legal DNR order, but it is a way to inform others of your wishes in an emergency. It is a simple, wallet-sized card that can be carried at all times as a visible indicator of your preference. Why Carry a DNR Awareness Card?Carrying a DNR awareness card can help communicate your choice to emergency responders, caregivers, and bystanders, particularly in situations where you may be unable to speak for yourself. Some of the main reasons people choose to carry one include:
While paramedics and hospital staff are required to follow legal guidelines and may still attempt resuscitation unless an official DNR order is present, carrying a card can help reduce confusion. A DNR awareness card can be useful for individuals in a variety of situations, including:
This card does not replace a legally recognized DNR order but serves as an additional way to express personal medical wishes. It is important to note that this card is not a legally binding medical directive. Emergency responders are required to follow state and local regulations, and unless they are presented with an official DNR order, they may still attempt resuscitation. If you are considering carrying a DNR awareness card, it may also be beneficial to:
Why Choose a DNR Awareness Card from The Card Project US?Our DNR awareness card is a simple, single-sided card designed to be carried in a wallet, purse, or pocket. Made from biodegradable plastic, it is durable and easy to read, ensuring that your preferences are clearly stated. For individuals who want a straightforward way to communicate their wishes, this card provides an easy and effective solution. Order your DNR awareness card today and carry it with confidence.
SKU: dnrpicture2
GTIN: 5061068157957
Version: 5322
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